Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day One - All over again

I wonder how many days I have had a Day One on a particular diet, food plan, lifestyle change, etc? I'm 47 and have dieted for most all of those years - at least as early as middle school. So, say I went on my first diet when I was 12 (I am groaning at the thought of having actually done that) and only started one diet per year, I have had 35 of them. I think some years I probably did two or three or even four day ones. Two of those first days resulted in losing nearly 100 pounds. Thankfully, I don't have that much to lose this time. I do have probably 60. Wow, how do I do this to myself? I always promise I am going to do better at that. I am going to be watchful and not let it get out of control. Each time I do.

And so, Day One - All over again

Let me tell you about Day One. I guess I need to give you a little back story as well. Over the last few weeks, I have been hearing about Made to Crave. It is a Bible Study focusing on changing the focus of what you crave. Instead of craving food to satisfy you, you crave a closer relationship with God. I certainly need more focus on God. So, this week bought the book for my kindle app. It is like she has been watching me, listening to me, living in my shoes and on my scale. One of the things she encourages is getting a plan. I have lost weight on weight watchers before. I am not as crazy about the point system as I was the exchanges, but I know it does work. Today, I joined up.

I was going to do what I always do the day before day one. I was going to eat anything and everything I want to eat. After all, if I am going to make a lifestyle change, I won't get to eat it anymore, right? I couldn't do it. I had stopped at McDonald's and had a breakfast burrito. I really would have rather had a biscuit, but even though I was having my last day, I decided to go ahead and make a wiser choice.

After the meeting, I signed up for the e-tools on and decided to go ahead and turn my last day into my first day. Thankfully, the burrito was only 8 points and you get a lot more now than you did this time last year. I had a light lunch of sirloin tacos on corn tortillas. Thanks to the app for my Iphone, I was able to make decent selections at Corner Bakery for dinner. I had a cup of chicken noodle soup and half of a ham sandwich on pretzel bread. I was glad I had the soup as the bread was sort of hard. I am a dipper, so I just dipped it in my soup. It worked.

Fruits and veggies are now free on Weight Watchers. I need to make a run for the store to get some of those.

One of the truths of weight loss is eat less and move more. I am trying to move more. Having been sick for nearly two weeks, moving is something I have not been doing much at all. Tonight I walked for 15 minutes. WooHoo! it wore me out, though.

after a trip to the grocery store, I am set for food for a few days. Here we go!

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