Monday, June 30, 2008

oh what a day - guess it really is Monday

It did start out ok. It really did.

Then it went down hill-culminating with losing my cell phone. It may cost too much to get the same number, it might be cheaper to just go ahead and get a new phone here. If I do, I will let everyone know the new one.

I was backing out of a parkng space and did check the side mirrors - then I backed into someone. JoyAnna said they pulled in just as I started backing out. I offered to switch information, but she refused. I am guessing she didn't have any insurance, because she sure didn't want to call anyone or share info. There was just a tiny bit of damage to her car. It did make me sick at my stomach though.

Tonight I am going to work on photos for Heather and unpack some more. Maybe just staying in the house woud be the best thing for me tonight. :)

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